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The den of the Knightfox
In The Family Way (written with SugarAndSpice)
A shocked expression appeared on his face, eyebrows high, almost spitting out the small mouthful he had just taken.
"Auctioned?!?!," he nearly shouted. "Auctioned? But you are no piece of meat to be bartered with, you are a woman, and a very fine one at that!! How dare he, how dare he do something like that to you!"
His anger was palpable, his face red, although he tempered it slightly, not wanting her to think he directed any of it toward her. He had never heard of such a thing. Her own brother?? He took a few deep breaths, controlled his rage. He had to remember that not all was as it seemed. She had already shown she was more than able to deal with treatment he would not have stood for, and had her own way of putting a spin on it to turn it to her advantage.
Shaking his head, ruffling his hair with one hand almost exasperatedly, he set his glass down on the small, circular table beside them and reached out to take her hand in his. A warm, gentle gesture, that tugged at his own sensibilities. All the things she must have gone through, no parents, a hard, ruthless brother. Had she had anyone show her simple kindness since she had been alone?
"This, you speak of," he almost spat at the word, "you would......offer yourself to these men?" No wonder there was so much anger inside her, so much bitterness toward her brother.
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