The den of the Knightfox

Aaron Eckhart
Brin is 39 and works as a security consultant for a company that provides a diverse variety of services, including personal protection, site hardening and training courses for bouncers, doormen and event security. Due to being a senior consultant, he has the luxury of working from home on a regular basis, something he enjoys as it means he gets to spend more quality time with his daughter who he dotes on. Due to his work, Brin keeps himself in shape, nothing drastic, just a little running during the week.
In the last year, he has been through a painful divorce with his wife, Samantha. The combination of occasional foreign trips and his love of geek, be it his Xbox obsession, his Pepakura addiction in making Cosplay costumes for him and his daughter (the year they went as Iron Man and Catwoman to a Con was his favourite) and his love of Marvel comics (something she is always ribbing him about) led to a distancing and then a separation with Sam. Things then just seemed to drift apart between them, and after she started seeing a co-worker, one thing lead to another.
Brin hasn't had any female interests since the split, and having his girl home for the summer is something he's overjoyed about, arranging some extra time off to be around for her. Not only is he worried she might be taking the divorce hard herself, but not having seen her since the last break, he's hoping to catch up on all her ups and downs during the last semester.